Location: Parque del Retiro, Madrid, beside the pool.
Size: The main body on the which are located all other elemenmtos that form the whole, has an overall size of 30m x 86m x 58m. Above him, the most prominent figure is the statue of Alfonso XII, with dimensions of 6.5mx 3.5mx 6.5m.
Chief Architect: José Fats i Riera.
later sculptural Contributions:
Alcoverro José Antonio Alsina, Eusebio Arnau, Rafael Atché, Mariano Benlliure, Joaquín Bilbao Miguel Blay, Antonio Bofill, José Campany, Peter Carbonell, José Clara, Antonio Coll, Lorenzo Coullaut, Francis Escudero, Pedro Estany, Cipriano Folgueras, Manuel Fuxá, Matthew Inurria, Aniceto Marinas, José Montserrat Portella, Antonio Paredes, Miguel Ángel Trilles, Agapito Vallmitjana ... some of the names are collaborating in the completion of the monument, particularly in the arrangement of the sculptures that were going to build this outdoor museum. Among them we have to highlight Mariano Benlliure, who should be the master equestrian statue of King, Miguel Blay, who made the peace group and bas-reliefs of the bases, Aniceto Marinas, who made the group of Liberty Miguel Ángel Trilles, who did the same with the group's progress, and Folgueras Cipriano, who sculpted the group of the nation. Also noteworthy are the contributions ornamental Coullaut Lorenzo Valera, Antonio Bofill, Joaquín Bilbao, Matthew Inurria, Antonio Alsina, Pedro Estany, and Francis Escudero, who helped ensure the monumental result.
Its location and architectural grandeur is a much visited, a circumstance that requires constant maintenance is performed. The last restoration took place in the year 2000 and involved a cleanup of all the sculptures. Also large stone lions placed on the steps going down to the pond, very worn, were replaced by others of bronze, as originally contained in the original project. On 15 of 2000, the Mayor of Madrid inaugurated the restoration of the monument to Alfonso XII, Retiro.
In 1901, Queen Regent Maria Cristina convened a national competition to erect a monument to her late husband, king Alfonso XII, and that would be at the Parque del Retiro, near the large pond on the old pier. The competition was won by the Catalan architect José Fats Riera, who presented a project based on the creation of an architectural space with a large veranda to surround the statue of the monarch, and a staircase to go down to the water pond adorned with lions stone and bronze allegories. The project was designed to be viewed from inside. On May 18, 1902, the day after the proclamation of Alfonso XIII King of Spain, he laid the first stone of this monument that eventually became a tribute to the nation personified by rey.La architectural contribution to the project by José Fats ended in 1914, began this year the placement of the various parts that compose the great museum of sculpture, with contributions from 42 artists and sculptors of the time. Entire work was completed, with all the sculptures located in place in 1922, was inaugurated on 3 July.
Building System:
The building has an architecture that defines as open space, being all a continuous space passable. Hence, we can not talk about the interior or exterior of the piece, because it opens all the landscape offered by the pool or the gardens of the retreat. It consists of a platform on the banks of the pond, balconies, parapets, balustrades and stairs, as the Hindu ghats, to log standing on the opposite side stands agua.es a double colonnade. The four pillars of the two ends have different sculptures and bas-reliefs with representations of Agriculture, Commerce, Industry, Army, Navy, Science and Arts. In the center stands an octagonal platform with several bodies decorated with figures, medallions, inscriptions ... In the center of this platform pedestal stands 28 meters high statue crowning the king's horses, Mariano Benlliure.
because of the antiquity of the monument we see various pathologies is your corstructivo system, of which we have noted, accompanied by images that represent them, collected from direct observation of the building:
The fit the various parts has caused the cracking and settling of the entire structural system, seeding the visible from inside the covers of lines indicating poor construction joints between the pieces.
direct and constant contact with humidity and water causes corrosion of the stone parts of structural foundation. While not alarming affects the maintenance of the building standing, causes unsanitary and careful image of the Monument. Furthermore, the porosity of the stone causes the moisture to rise to higher ground, chipping the surface layer that protects it.
The humidity and time cause oxidation of the sculptures that adorn the monument, leaving traces of rust on their pedestals, so that they experience more wear than they should
Main materials:
The entire monument is raised by the appearance of only two materials: marble and bronze.
Marble is used for all purely structural elements and as are the platforms that delimit, colonnades ... in addition to appearing in all sculptural space, and in all parts of the aforementioned artists.
Bronze nevertheless has a special place in the central part is the equestrian statue of King. Indeed, it is all brass, and the many figures in his foot.
Thus, the choice of materials makes it an imposing and bright, highlighting the white marble against the vegetation, leaving the bronze instead of the main statue against the sky.
Legal status:
is a public building, and enjoy free entry, whose maintenance depends on the City of Madrid. Consulted bibliography
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es.wikipedia.org / wiki / Jardines_del_Retiro_de_Madrid
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Leticia Merino
Mercedes Alonso Fernández Cuadrado
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