Sunday, April 2, 2006

Bandai Deluxe Omnitrix Instr

Sepúlveda (Segovia)

The Church of Sepulveda El Salvador is considered the oldest of Segovia, built in the last ten years XI. Its architecture is noble volumes of the best Romanesque inherited from the Camino de Santiago, as its maker must have come from there. However, the sizes of corbels and capitals show a more typical charming ruggedness of the Romanesque. Has nave, chancel and apse columns and windows, plus an uncertain dating portico and a great tower with mullioned windows.

's gallery is made on the south side by four eight arches grouped in pairs separated by pillars. On the east side another arch gives access to the porch. The arches are supported on four simple column capitals. Only one of the capitals have
plant decoration. The rest you can see a pairs of birds drinking from a cup , a monstrous beings y una escena que no acabo de interpretar pero que podría tratarse del ciclo de Adán y Eva

La morfología de esta galería la aleja de la mayor parte de las galerías segovianas.

Fecha: Inicios S.XII. Si bien hay quien retrasa la fecha de construcción al S.XIII, creo que es más acertada la opinión de aquellos autores que proponen una fecha más cercana a la de la construcción de la iglesia (iniciada antes de 1093)

Disposición arcadas: South: 2-P-2-P-2-P-2 / East: A

State: Well

number of sides and access: 2 sides (south and east) and 1 access (this)

paired columns: not

Other views:

Interior view

View from the southwest

arcaded galleries are a unique contribution to Roman art Castilla. While the first frames can be dated in the eleventh century, for example, San Miguel de San Esteban de Gormaz in the province of Soria, most of them corresponds to the late twelfth or early thirteenth century.
arcaded galleries are usually located along the south wall of the churches and different events were held including religious, political, social and even legal. Most of these gates are located in the provinces of Soria, Segovia and Guadalajara, although isolated examples can be found in La Rioja, Navarra Avila,

Coding-file: to describe the available the arcades, access (A) and pillars (P) I used an alphanumeric coding keys of interpretation which will become clear by the following example:

1-PAP-4 _ This provision, we can see in the west gallery of Carabias (Guadalajara), indicates that from left to right of the viewer can see an arcade (1), followed by a pillar (P), which is below the access (A) the porch, to continue with another pillar (P) and 4 new arcades.

Despite the limestone with which they were carved capitals and metopes, has suffered greatly from erosion and the passage of time travel is still worth trying to guess their baskets with items that were decorated, some of them taken from the Bible or trying to distinguish between animals and plants in those capitals where both motifs are fused into one and make that aspect as well as typically Roman.

The metopes, meanwhile, offer a beautiful geometric design that contrasts with the smooth surface of the corbels that frame.

Fiestas: week Santa.San Juan and San Pedro, from 23 to 29 junio.Nuestra Lady of Fuencisla, Frutos septiembre.San on 27, 25 octubre.Santa Agueda, the Sunday closest to February 5 (Zamarramala).

Reviewed by: Zaida Pereira Lucas


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