Monday, October 25, 2010

When To Surgerically Remove Cancer In A Dog

Bracelets decennary The

tod @ s bracelets decennary know that many celebrities came into vogue this summer, including Sara Carbonero in the world, and still continue to see very much.
are normally made in silk thread and consists of 10 nodes, plus one end, another one of the ropes and a cross made by knots.
Now I present my version of these bracelets fashion.

They are made of waxed cotton thread of various colors and instead of tying the thread in a cross I added an account with this form millefiori glass, besides being very original gives some weight to the bracelet and not turn around as happens constantly with each other.

Many colors! Choose yours!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Abdomen Herpes Images

Quiroguilla eeeennn become an umbrella .... Cover

Who has not broken an umbrella in one of those days of wind and rain? I'm sure that everyone s .
What do we do when it breaks at all? Since it is customary to cast it to the nearest trash can with a lot of swearing, no? ... For now we will save this last part and do something useful with the ravages of autumn.

! A reusable bag!

This is what I done with my umbrella.
I spread the fabric of the rods being careful not to make holes and then to the washer.
After a low temperature ironing, I made a pattern for my bag.
did with the pieces left over the handles, as you can see from the photos, are two-sided.
and bend well and always carry plegadita up having to use it, how could it be otherwise, I used the tape with velcro fastened an umbrella.

Y why not! The house brand Quiroguilla Bag's, lol, as always a touch of humor at every turn.

is the first to do so they will have many flaws, but the following certainly go better, because I have several advertising umbrella of those small you'll never use that gives me a better life that will, hehe .

I hope you liked it!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Step 1 Study Schedule


After much time thinking about changing the camera, finally we have. And now it was time to make a dress because I do not want to fill me scratch or dust when in my bag.
did not want a cover that bulge and weighed a lot, so I happened to make a bags of felt, and it inspired me in that I bought in Kukuxumuxu cuelgamóvil.
to see what you think!

Haha, I love the fried egg "and vosotr @ s?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Slogans For Genital Herpes

This time I bring a ring made with a square piece of metal and leather combined with flat and round.

can be put round the full leather and choose colors.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ps2 Hdloaderschematic


I remember in my not too distant childhood, play and run in a football ground sow dusty solid, to make a free throw did not have to miss the little volcano dust concerned to put the ball (presumably to throw out stronger but This was achieved with the ball was too high nor out near the goal). Perhaps some of you reading this, playing in the old football field Chapeltique, it fell and scrape the scar still walks (mocking laughter) I say this because if I have such painful memories. But thanks to the interest and collaboration of a group of fellow originating in our city, residents in the U.S. capital collaborated with the construction of sports complex

is the Committee for the Improvement of Chapeltique in Washington DC, whose representatives visited the country in its time, to place the first stone.

Izquierda . Miguel Ángel Simán, presidente del Fondo de Inversión, inauguró el proyecto. Foto AP

La obra requirió una inversión total de $200,485, de los cuales el Fondo de Inversión Social para el Desarrollo Local (FISDL) aportó la mitad del monto, el gobierno municipal el 30% y el Comité Improvement Pro Chapeltique covered the remainder (20%).

best above.
FISDL contributed $ 103 000 91
The municipal government with $ 77 000 393
Committee for the Improvement of Chapeltique in Washington with $ 20 billion
Total = $ 200.485
“Este proyecto siempre ha sido una necesidad de todos los jóvenes de aquí, nos sentimos contentos que se nos ha dado la oportunidad de ayudar a nuestro pueblo del alma”, dijo Hugo Carballo, miembro del comité.

q It should be noted there were many people involved to carry out this project, including Don Paco Andrade.
To date Complex Sports Chapeltique remains in good condition thanks to mantenimiento de la alcaldía municipal y gracias a la dedicación de Don Víctor (Catuta) quien con mucho celo cuida y es responsable de mantener en buen estado la infraestructura del complejo deportivo.

En la segunda parte de esta publicacion, veremos el croki de como quedo el proyecto finalizado, y veremos fotos de el complejo deportivo en la actualidad.. Proximamente

Goku Fusion With Chichi

Another square ring of flowers

Despite being in the fall and I present a new bracelet of flowers. They do not wither.

You know that leather can go on the color that you like.

cueeros And this one on a flat and highly original close-shaped hook.

I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Spaghetti Song Translation


Nuestra iglesia de Chapeltique, es considerada por los historiadores como joya arquitectónica de la época colonial. Los componentes arquitectónicos de la fachada y nave principal, se mantienen fieles a su construcción.
Buscando en las pocas obras históricas que nos hablan sobre las iglesias coloniales de los pueblos de el salvador, se encuentran datos sobre el estilo arquitectónico, componentes, distribución, la década en que fueron construidos, y principalmente, las razones por la cual algunos templos coloniales aun están de pie.

De la obra: El Salvador: Inundaciones e incendios, erupciones y terremotos, de Jorge Larde y Larin, tomaremos varias citas en donde el autor demuestra la razón por la cual son pocos los templos coloniales que existen en buenas condiciones actualmente en El Salvador. Entre las causas que han incidido a través de los tiempos a la desaparición de los monumentos coloniales menciona a los terremotos, inundaciones, incendios, tipos de suelo y la cercanía a los volcanes.

En la primera sección del capitulo: Zonas casi sísmicas de El Salvador, de la obra anterior, el autor comenta que:

“Al considerar el fenómeno general de sismicidad o de mega sismicidad en El Salvador, el sabio maestro D. Jorge Larde, en su obra:”El terremoto del 6 de septiembre de 1915 y los demás terremotos de El Salvador” expreso:

De los hechos citados se pueden sacar estas conclusiones: uno, que los departamentos de Chalatenango, Cabañas, Morazán, y del Norte de San Miguel y La Unión constituyen una región casi a sísmica y que ningún temblor de importancia a tenido su epicentro en ella”

En el capitulo: Arquitectura Colonial en El Salvador, en la sección 14, el historiador nos comenta:

“La historia sísmica que hemos reseñado, a pinceladas, pone de manifiesto la razón por la cual los vestigios del arte arquitectónico en El Salvador son muy escasos y casi todos del siglo XVIII.

Terremotos, incendios y diluvios se han confabulado todas las obras de arquitectura colonial emprendidas por los colonizadores españoles, tanto en las grandes urbes como en los mas humildes pueblos de nuestro territorio. ”

En la sección 16 del capitulo anterior de la misma obra, el autor escribe sobre templos coloniales por departamento:

“Iglesias aun en uso de estilo colonial, son las siguientes:

En el departamento de San Miguel, Quelepa churches, Nuevo Edén de San Juan, Lolotique, Chapeltique and Ciudad Barrios " Another work in appointing Chapeltique church, its architecture and construction time is: Notions of History in Central America Doctor Manuel Vidal, section XXXVII: Architectural Monuments, differing with the century building, which reads as follows: "The churches of San Vicente del Pilar, Dolores Izalco, in Metapan Panchimalco Chapeltique and rise from the eighteenth century, significant architecture. " Baptismal Books. Among the files that are jealously guarded in the parish house are the baptismal books, books in which records are settled dates, names of parents and sponsors, and name of the baptized. The oldest book in the convent dating from March 1891 and are registered Chapeltique baptisms, and Guatajiagua Moncagua, ranging between 1891 and 1896, handwritten by the parish priest traveling Toribio Lazo. The previous books in this, are on file in the Diocese of San Miguel. Diocese. In colonial times, Chapeltique belonged to the parish of San Miguel, later this became a parish in the diocese of San Miguel, and in the 1950's, the parish became part Chapeltique of the diocese of Santiago de Maria, the first bishop of that diocese, Monsignor and Dr. Francisco Castro and Ramirez.
This is a description of the various component bodies, and details that are appreciated in the same, Chapeltique church, colonial architecture and baroque façade . Some architectural details, furniture and religious fixtures, ceased to exist over the years. Facade: in the center of the facade is the main gate, double body and finished in a half moon, with frame of paddocks, and laminated boards. On each side of the door in the wall of the facade, between two columns were set on pedestal decorated, there is a recess or niche, to put Saints to the weather. The top center of the main facade, is formed by two side, with a quarter-moon, the lunar center of each quadrant is a shield in high relief, surrounded by laurels. Among the quarter-moon, is the facade of a shrine or temple, with columns greater than the sides that support a roof top termination, the peak, is topped with a spire with decorative glass. Between the two major pillars of the temple, there are two small arched windows, separated by a central column. On these two windows in the center of the cusp, this shield in high relief. Among the facade of the chapel and the main door is an inscription in relief. Registration: The main facade of the church, there is a high-relief engraving with the inscription: JMA MARCH 10, 1878, E. LUNA, SANTA ANA. This picture was placed during the second amendment to the facade in the nineteenth century, the meaning of the initials JMAes unknown. Reference: E. LUNA, Eulogio is the name of Luna, who is said, helped financially to the renovation of the facade.
Bibliography: Cipotadas de Mi pueblo