Friday, October 22, 2010

Abdomen Herpes Images

Quiroguilla eeeennn become an umbrella .... Cover

Who has not broken an umbrella in one of those days of wind and rain? I'm sure that everyone s .
What do we do when it breaks at all? Since it is customary to cast it to the nearest trash can with a lot of swearing, no? ... For now we will save this last part and do something useful with the ravages of autumn.

! A reusable bag!

This is what I done with my umbrella.
I spread the fabric of the rods being careful not to make holes and then to the washer.
After a low temperature ironing, I made a pattern for my bag.
did with the pieces left over the handles, as you can see from the photos, are two-sided.
and bend well and always carry plegadita up having to use it, how could it be otherwise, I used the tape with velcro fastened an umbrella.

Y why not! The house brand Quiroguilla Bag's, lol, as always a touch of humor at every turn.

is the first to do so they will have many flaws, but the following certainly go better, because I have several advertising umbrella of those small you'll never use that gives me a better life that will, hehe .

I hope you liked it!


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