Saturday, November 20, 2010

Brookstone Helicopter Trouble

For the first time on the blog I am going to put a step by step (PAP) to vosotr @ s podais also do stuff.
I chose something very easy and as we approach the holiday season is an activity to decorate the house and fun to make with s obesity.
is making decorative balls.
This time I have I done to them on trays, but can be used to decorate the Christmas tree or to any centerpiece.

need: Styrofoam balls
(cork) purchased in craft stores or otherwise baubles of those old plastic.

hot glue gun

Pasta tricolor daisies, or any other formas.Yo I have used these for Gallo pasts.

and varied paintings.
If they are to hang different colored ties.

And now we get to work.
If we are to recycle old plastic Christmas balls (plastic that are important to that we have no accident if the heat of silica glass is broken). The first will be sawing the tail with a hacksaw. We will cover the hole with masking tape simply.

begin to glue the macaroni with hot glue in the area and circling down, leaving in this way.

out of order but covering the entire surface.
If we were to bring them some tie to hang now is the time.
As it is not the case go directly to paint. I've used it for about a glaze in silver and other black acrylic paint. If we have to work with children using only acrylics as do not emit odors and clean water.
Apply two coats of paint to cover well Recobeco.
A which are painted with acrylics have to give them a couple of coats of varnish spray to protect them.

And this is the result.
are simple to put on a tray, but if they are to decorate the tree can put them glitter and choose other colors.


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