Sunday, April 25, 2010

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Night lighting


artistic lighting of the site, was considered from the outset as a powerful magnet for the exhibition, therefore Aníbal González himself had taken good care of the various devices light of the emblematic buildings of the fair.

Since the second half of 1926, the Company is negotiating with Sevillana de Electricidad the offer made to provide electric power to the enclosure. This company founded in 1894, was one of the pillars of local economic development during the first third of the XX, far exceeding the challenge that led to the technical requirements raised by the exhibition.

The terms of the proposal included a daily supply of 4,500 kW, which could increase up to 6,000 kw. if necessary, fixing the price of kw / hour of 30 cents, giving the company 25% of total charge, the Committee not be obliged to set minimum fuel consumption. However, the Committee did not agree with this proposal, arguing that the amount set for power at the International Exhibition in Barcelona was 15 cents.

In December of that year, the Company presented a new proposal reducing the price to 22 cents kw / hour, authorized in permanent session of February 1929 the signing of the contract with that company.

The Official Guide to the Latin American Exhibition, under the artistic lighting tells us the following:
"The novelty has been pursued mainly in the quality and combination of the lamps and the variations and harmonies of color and shape of sets that come in bright areas, without neglecting other key factors such as the major facade lighting, water games and springs "
lit Pond Lions (photo courtesy of José Luis Pérez Pino) \u200b\u200b

In this guide divides the room into two sections fitted exclusively based lighting decorations.

The first sector or Parque Maria Luisa, where light is used not only for lighting but also as a decorative element common in conjunction with the water, glass, plants and facades. It uses cascading fountains and bright, glass pedestal interior lighting, trees with indirect lighting and incense burners with steam lit.

A reporter at the time said that "the artistic illumination of the Parque de María Luisa bordering on delirium of the fantastic "and other alien claimed that" This is something that should be used many times to go to the wonders of the sky, at least those who aspire to enjoy it. "

ponds and poetic corners were illuminated with discreet light, evoking the dreams of the Thousand and One Nights, there were waterfalls in the colors of the rainbow and green trees lit with lights that mimicked the oranges and the projected figures bowers beautiful roses.

lighting Glorieta de Becquer

In the fall of Monte Gurugú waters the low, clashed with the edges of the steps that were fitted with colored glass, offering a truly wonderful vision.

was not forgotten the secluded and romantic garden of Delicias de Arjona, with indirect light comes from the miniature train admiring.

The central source of the Plaza of Spain lit trembling with relief, had a suggestive charm, and were innumerable different combinations of changing colors that produce powerful spotlight.

Overview of the lighting of the Plaza of Spain

While the square towers are lit with thousands of light bulbs that allowed overnight appreciate every detail of its rich ornamentation. Rotating projectors were installed in small domes that crown the towers, and because of its high power beams of light emitted, being interrupted by columns, flashes of light bypassed as two big headlights.

The other buildings were illuminated with strong indirect light sources that could be enjoyed from the other side of the river and even a few miles away, resulting in a wonderful show

The three buildings of the Plaza de America appeared silhouetted by thousands of tiny light bulbs and diffused light bathed them, emerging from the darkness as watermarks fantastic, while powerful spotlights illuminating the facades resized. The Fine Arts in white highlighting this beautiful stone building, the Royal Pavilion Mudejar and adorned with colored bulbs light by placing a wreath on the lines of filigree contours.

The lamps both the Plaza of Spain and America and other parts of the premises were made by casting Seville "Domingo de la Prida", designed by Aníbal González.

South Tower Plaza of Spain reflected in the estuary.

Vista night of the three halls of the Plaza de America.

The second Southern Sector of the enclosure, but poor gardens, it acted on its avenues and doors being a great blaze of light, he too could enjoy a bright multicolor monumental fountain in the central pond Plaza de los Conquistadores, surrounded by regional buildings. Likewise, the Avenida de la Raza, was covered with a dome-shaped arches bulbs all along the Avenue, resulting in a truly fantastic effect, wasting good taste in art and the multiple combinations of light.

Columbus Avenue and one of the avenues of the Southern Sector with illuminated.

Pond central Plaza de los Conquistadores.

The main entrance to the premises through the Glorieta de San Diego was lit in a special way, with two towers higher than 30 m. height that were hidden, and in which 42 major outbreaks were placed in each of them, producing a luminous intensity of 200,000 candles, eliminating the shadows of trees and utility poles for the special situation of outbreaks.

At the main entrance, behind the sculpted figures were installed reflectors that projects five bursts of high power colors illuminating the outline.

All wiring was done by the engineer Pedro Caravaca, under direction of engineer project and Armando Alsatian Thiriet Koenig, who had studied in Switzerland coming to Spain in 1905 and Seville in 1920 as director and technical manager of the company AEG Iberian electricity company contracted for the installation of the lighting contest. This is because the project engineer of the light source of the Plaza of Spain, the artistic lighting of the square and the Americas, Parque de Maria Luisa, Sector South, covers, park, etc.

Floodlit in the main entrance to the Exhibition .

Not only was this cascade of light and color at the Exposition, the city and artistically lit landmarks were also illuminated, such as the Torre del Oro and the Giralda, the Archbishop's Palace, the Monument to the Immaculate and the Plaza del Triunfo.

The bill Sevillana Electricity Company for the month of May 1929 had to face the Committee on electricity consumption reached an amount of 160,000 pts. of which 37,000 pts. corresponded to the supply of electricity supplied to a particular installation. Consider that this month was special, both for the large number of times that there were special highlights, such as substance produced by the tests necessary to perfect the facility.

La Giralda and Gold Tower lit. (Photo courtesy of José Luis Pérez Pino) \u200b\u200b

Advertising Co.. Sevillana de Electricidad.

The Middle Passage in the Southern Sector night.

La Plaza de los Conquistadores Illuminated (Picture courtesy of José Luis Pérez Pino) \u200b\u200b


SOURCES - The American Exhibition through the press 1923-1929. Encarnación López Lemus.

- Sevilla at the time of the Latin American Exhibition. 1905 -1030 The city of the twentieth century. Nicolas Salas.

- Official Guide. American Exhibition 1929-1930.

- The Ibero-American Exhibition. Origin and Birth of the Great Company. Real Fernando Balbuena, ABC published in the Journal of Seville in 1961.

-Sevilla and the Exhibition of 1929, Francisco Narbona


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