Sunday, April 25, 2010

Failing Ipod Touch Screen

- Hall of the National Telephone Company.

the national telephone company.

Postal Mobile Pavilion
In the years prior to the opening of the event its Board of Directors, it was not aware of the importance that the various agencies State would play in the show, thinking at the time only use it in the least developed. It appointed a committee to the participation of various national services, among which was the National Telephone Company, which in 1925 requested a place on the grounds of the Exhibition in order to install a substation to give adequate service phone to different countries and entities participating in the event, while display and serve as propaganda for the English telecommunications in America. Facilities Telegraph Service mounted telegraphy and telegraph offices and the Directorate General of Communications, the Committee granted exemption from postal and telegraphic.

The plot granted by the Organization for installing the Mobile Pavilion, as was known, had an area of \u200b\u200b1,186 m2 and is located on Avenida de Isabel la Católica from the Glorieta de Covadonga the rear facade of the South Tower of the Plaza of Spain. This avenue with its continuation, D. Pelayo, served as a link shaft was started at the main entrance of the Glorieta de San Diego, went to the Plaza of Spain and ending in one end of the Plaza de America.

building map
principal elevation

Building section

Plan and elevation of the input column

The Telephone Company, commissioned the architect Juan Talavera Heredia in Seville, the construction of the building 1925 to be completed two years later in 1927. It has an area of \u200b\u200bnearly 1000 m2 is on one level with basement alone in the middle of construction. The ephemeral nature of the construction was done however, by building system based on load-bearing walls with metal pillars on which rests the concrete slab. Decks there are two main types, the main building in Andalusian and Moorish tiles in the body of arcade access and outdoor pavilions.

Aerial view of the pavilion.

octagonal tower facade .
Home flag.

The author was inspired by Palladian models, articulated the flag with three buildings around a garden with a pool attached to the lifting of the main building. The building of greater importance than the rest, is elevated as the rest of the complex, after entering through the steps to the pond side, we have a building of great firmness cubic volume, which opens a grand entrance arch occupying this space. Both sides open holes with three windows, the center decorated with forged iron, finished off the set with two octagonal towers with domes of half an orange covered with yellow tiles. Its walls are opened small openings that serve to provide vertical construction.

details arcade arcaded wings .

The interior of this central body, develops stays arches around the courtyard where they emphasize the proportions of the abacus. In between there is installed a small fountain that connects to the outside through a channel that runs through the hallway and flows into the pond in the garden.

Detail forging a window

View of one side pavilions .
from towers octagonal arcaded wings leave that up from the central front and culminating in two buildings, these buildings minor, are rectangular, whose walls are inscribed three arches and two columns, which give access to a small atrium in the canvas to the front side open two separate holes with wrought iron window grills.

This building was a lull in the construction style of the author Juan Talavera, when the neo-Baroque was at the zenith of its development, Talavera look back and collects the neomudejar the principle of regionalism. The exterior decoration is presented with total building materials treated with impeccable technical purity, away from the ornate decoration in plaster and tiles. Use existing models as Mudejar Convento de Santa Paula, and the cloisters of San Isidoro del Campo and La Rabida, as an authentic and splendid showcase handmade from wrought iron up the threads of brick and voussoirs, reaching unparalleled levels of virtuosity.

Overview patio


The author relies on the local tradition of Mudejar, which is clearly manifested in the threads of the entrance arches and courtyard as well as plaster, tile and wood paneling in the lobby and patio. The front cover was inspired by the Convent of Santa Paula, which even the two-color copy of it. Doing the same in the cloister of the Monastery of San Isidoro del Campo to shape the arches of the curved arms.

Artesonado and detail of the plaster in the lobby.

In short, the gorgeous use of brick, both plain and carved, and the tile and wrought iron supplement the decoration of this building, which in turn is enhanced on the surfaces of white walls, forming one of the crowning achievements of Seville historicist style, achieving the lime and brick a synthesis of Latin and Mediterranean as understood in Islamic Andalusia.

The October 12, 1929, opened direct telephone service between Spain - Argentina and Spain - Uruguay, and various automation in various provincial capitals, while ceremony presided by General Primo de Rivera. By then there were 2,240 centers in the country, que daban servicio a 174.000 abonados, de ellos 122.000 disfrutaban de servicio automático repartidos en 14 capitales de provincia, sumando 26.000 km. las líneas interurbanas.

Una vez concluida la Exposición, el edificio continuó prestando servicio a la Compañía Telefónica hasta finales de la década de los 80 del pasado siglo, cuando la actividad de esta subcentral fue suprimida.

Una vez clausurado el servicio que prestaba estas instalaciones quedó abandonado, empezando a producirse el deterioro lógico por su falta de mantenimiento. En la década de los años 90 del pasado siglo, aún siendo propiedad de la Compañía Telefónica, was ceded to the Ministry of Culture of the Andalusian Regional Government for hosting the International University Menéndez Pelayo. In 1991 he drafted the building rehabilitation project for this purpose by the architects Ramón Gómez Bustillo and Alfonso Guajardo-Fajardo Ibarra.

Views tiled plinth and plasterwork in the lobby.

This rehabilitation whose budget was 138,000,000 pts., Acted mainly in replacing the flat roof, flooring and installing new electricity networks, plumbing, drainage, etc.. Since even a building being conceived as an ephemeral, the general state of it was quite acceptable not detect problems that might affect your safety. Only outdoor pavilions deepest need of rehabilitation due to its much lower build quality.

central courtyard.
However, this intervention was delayed for seven years, when the flag situation was becoming more regrettably, closed and abandoned since 1992. So in 1998, the Foundation XXI forged by a school workshop and after two years of work getting the building restored and refurbished thanks to an agreement between the Foundation, the City of Seville and other public and private entities to serve as headquarters to the Garden School and Center Environmental Studies "Joaquín Romero Murube", which was inaugurated in January 2000 as a training center.


- THE HALL OF TELEFONICA, Ramón Gómez Bustillo and Alfonso Guajardo-Fajardo Ibarra. SURVEYOR Magazine No 38 3 º Quarter 1991

- The American Exhibition of the press through 1923-1929. Encarnación López Lemuz.


- Architecture of Regionalism in Seville 1900-1935. Alberto Villar Movellán.

- Newspaper Funds. The American Exhibition Halls. Alberto Villar Movellán.


- Amalia Gomez closed a school forge XXI. ABC Sevilla, 05/01/2000 pp. 8 and 58

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