My grandfather Joseph, caught his hand and without a word, showed me through the senses, smell spring in Sevilla incense, orange blossom, rosemary and pine needles; the summer of jasmine and queen of night, the sadness of the fall in the afternoon sounds like a song of Swift, that in looking at the blue sky is deep and infinite, and that a thousand times to walk the same streets, Sevilla enters your bones
2. 1. A project. FOR SEVILLA AND SPAIN. Hispanic Expo American in our city.
2.3 First Steps
Maria Luisa Park and Plaza of Spain
Latin Square
The International Pavilions The Pavilions Regional
Provincial The Pavilions The Pavilions Shopping
Before and in order to get a good start in the topic at hand, it is essential to make it clear that what I discuss in this work is but a synthesis of the literature to date by the great researchers of the Ibero-American Exhibition, limiting myself to collect data from different studies that relate later, and I give a perfectly clear and thorough overview of a relatively recent history of Seville, however during a period of time was not being investigated. Thanks to the work of these, silent and vast research in a multitude of sources consulted have made this great event was the exhibition Ibero-Americana de Sevilla, 1929, until today comes in a clear, and investigated from all possible angles, economic, social, political, journalistic, architectural, etc. and its impact both in the urban fabric and in life in the city.
Therefore, starting from this premise, I set to work forward in order to achieve a more synthesized view as possible, the breadth and depth of study, but no less true, led to a sector, in which I find myself included, eager to know important aspects of the history of Seville, and in particular on the show without adjectives, or abbreviations, as we know Seville the Great Exhibition, in a broad but summarized by the number of publications, articles, conferences, academic studies etc.. so far have seen the light, without having to visit them.
So my work has been a collector of data, arranged chronologically, with special emphasis as a method for making them, in order of preference: facts, figures and trivia, trying to make reading enjoyable and the result is convincing. Targeting a segment of readers not introduced in the academic, but curious about these issues.
I finally point out that if after reading this clumsy, but enthusiastic, work interest is even deeper on the subject, which is essential to take stock of the works listed in the bibliography and are undoubtedly sources you have to drink the future generations who want to know what rigor happened at that stage in the history of the city.
This section attempts to provide an overview of why the statement, background and reasons why the idea caught on and the events that ensued.
As stated by Alberto Villar Movellán "Exhibition at source, as indeed romantic, emerged from the social base; weighed on them many more ideas for ways to implement them. Were true deeds that are done with huge doses of enthusiasm "..." And more than romantic, quixotic in the best sense of the epithet: it was an extraordinary folly to force it meant overriding sanity into the twentieth century. "
The 1929 Expo is an event unique, either because of the circumstances surrounding the incident as avatars of their own event. For this reason it should be two stages. A between 1909 to 1925 and again from that date until completion. While a distinction should be one third the "post-exposure" which is not my intention to try.
The first, covering the period from the origin of it (1909), and their historical antecedents to 1925, the same can be seen the long phase of municipal management, with divided opinions and continuous delays due to the unstable situation both locally, nationally and internationally, as well as lack of liquidity of the various Committees. Is the stage of the English-American in command of the Count of Urbino.
In the second stage changes the name of the event by the Ibero-Americana. It begins with the chair of Columbia County, and in this period, the Central Government takes more strength to address it, and taking permanent decisions: Pitch final negotiations at the diplomatic level as well as an unprecedented building activity. It should be noted for its commitment to the completion of the exposure José Cruz Conde (1926-1930) for his passionate personality and became the machine that would drive the rest.
I used two members of the media, as a tribute to the local press for its decision participation and collaboration in the events, perhaps without the exhibition could have been thwarted.
2.1. A project. FOR SEVILLA AND SPAIN. English-American exhibition in our city.
With this title and full-page cover of "El Correo de Andalucía" of June 26, 1909, begins the long process after two decades, and many efforts, would become the shaping material a desired illusion yearns for Seville as was the Ibero-American EXPOSURE OF SEVILLE 1929.
This headline summed up in few words, uttered by Commander D. LUIS RODRIGUEZ CASE in the halls of the headquarters of the Captaincy General, in connection with the delivery of a sword of honor, paid for by public subscription as a tribute and recognition to the sponsor of the Fiesta "Spain in Sevilla" held April 22 to May 3, 1908. Tribute to this singular character, military and industrial, for your perseverance, imagination and enthusiasm, that despite the coldness with which his words were received by the authorities present, fought with dedication and zeal for "a English-Overseas International Exhibition, Exhibition Spain in Seville International Exposition Hispano-Americana "in principle by setting a date of celebration two years later.
The popular support and the media, especially the press, did not wait, not in vain and as Narciso Ciaurriz this belief began with the celebration of the "Exhibition Sevillanos Products and Agricultural Industries, Wineries and Mining "which remained open from April 27 to June 5, 1905 and considered the most important event of its kind to date and that culminated three years later with the celebration of the aforementioned Fiesta "Spain in Seville" was a resounding success. These two events, together with those concluded by the end of the nineteenth century can be considered as precursors of future Ibero-American Exhibition.
The possibility of holding the Great Exhibition in Seville, was the ideal pretext to raise awareness of a sleepy town on the experiences of their old glory, devoid of all amenities and anchored in the past. Citizens in general and the working forces, businessmen, political parties, gatherings, in particular knew of the benefits that eventually produced such events, especially the spread of new architectural trends, urban developments experienced in the cities, venues and consequently the thrust produced in the industrial development zone and the trade that is growing in the heart of it.
But more specifically, in the case of Seville, and looked forward as its main goal the benefit of the city and even the country through it. With faith blind placed on the display system, created this idea as a panacea for the common good, and final endorsement to enter the twentieth century.
A benefit resulted in an attempt solidarity of all social classes to achieve economic progress and cultural similarity of the golden age of Seville, which will be added later also his vocation Americanism. The consolidation of tourism as a source of income and spur the launch of the city that would last even after the event. The urgent need for urban reform in depth, opening new sources of growth to the city, strangled by stagnation in the past, no public services and lack of solutions improving the deplorable appearance in a short period of time. Also
, and heritage, not least, the attempt to defend "the bad reputation of Seville" in the rest of Spain, akin to eradicate the image topical folklore and the picaresque, washing the local honor criticism widespread on the existence in Seville only "cabarets, taverns and snack bars, hippie flamenco, tangos and old rich, Gypsies and pimps, pestles and thugs" (1).
Since the project was announced the holding of an exhibition on English-Overseas June 25, 1909, was been a series of events filled with disappointment and discouragement to those who had so fervently supported the Show, at the beginning and although the Government provided support when it was learned the Hispanic character American, was withdrawn on the grounds that the company belonged to one year from the Ibero-American Union. This refusal had a great impact in the press, from which accused the government of centrist and there were protests of all kinds. Shortly after a miserable campaign in the Rif and the triggering of events of the "Tragic Week" in Barcelona silenced the exhibition project. At the end of 1909 seemed that nobody could remember the topic, it would seem that the commitments the press and the public and local politicians were of dubious authenticity.
With this suggestive title, Rodriguez case and its companions, self-defined as "Originating Committee, a loose published on 17 February 1910 (El Liberal and El Correo de Andalucía), which made public the waiver of the Ibero-American Union to your project, not to oppose in Bilbao will be an exhibition Anglo-Ibero-Americana. Also gave a thorough account of the abuse suffered the honor and interests of Seville. Again
change events. With the publication of loose above, but more than this point is the presence of new mayor, the liberal Antonio Falcon, who decide to commit to the Exhibition Hall, mobilizing the people in a huge demonstration to Alfonso XIII's visit to city \u200b\u200bon March 14, 1910, after which the Prime Minister José Canalejas a commissioner said "the King of Seville has been done." In fact very often Alfonso XIII visited the city, being fond of her, concerned after the works of the exhibition influencing the decision-making.
had to save Bilbao rivalry with meetings, resulted in the acceptance of transfer Sevilla him until 1914, in order to coincide with the opening of the Short Tablada, Bilbao but did not give anything in return, soon tube after giving up this company for lack of funds. This agreement with the locals, led to an embarrassing tug of war between local politicians
From March 19, 1910 Sevilla had the official permission and the promise of a major state grant. But the problems do not end here the extent of which few would suspect at this time.
From the outset the competition was politicized, rivalries settled with an agreement between the three dominant political parties in appointing members of the Executive Committee. In this regard the criticism in the press were very hard, Vasseur Carrier warned well in "THE LAST" 15 May 1910.
"shall be excluded from the administration how many people bearing a cabinet post in the state or municipality /.../ especially here where politics is usually the sad privilege of being a synonym for cheating and Mangoneo"
And "El Correo de Andalucía" said himself:
"The exhibition comes monopolized by politics and the stamp of despotism "
The lack of liquidity of the Executive Committee was a very serious problem, not adopted the precise solutions, the City also made important economic responsibilities, including a possible deficit, with no way to study the cover the costs, to achieve significant state financial aid would invest in the execution of beautiful and luxurious external extensions. Passed
and the initial difficulties, the exhibition begins to walk, we must take into account the economic possibilities were modest, so it requires a thorough study on the objectives, including the principle of Exposure to town and go together.
2.3 First Steps
With a grant from the Government of 3,000,000 pts., Payable in tenths from 1913, and amounts contributed by the municipality, work began after fixing the location and initial plans, which call for tender Aníbal González won the September 26, 1911. Meanwhile
initiated the first urban developments in the city: The new slaughterhouse, the widening of the Barrio de Santa Cruz, the extension of Jupiter Street, demolition of the pipes of Carmona and the former convent San Pablo, as well as the reform of the Parque de Maria Luisa by JNN Forestier.
With the approval of the Rules of the exhibition on December 30, 1912, concluded that much remained to be done, resulting in the first instance a series of postponements first for 1915 after 1916, due to the slowdown suffered by the works in 1913 and the outbreak of World War 1 in the summer of 1914.
year 1914, we can say that is a year of turning on the exhibition events, it occurs up to Mayor Antonio Falcon (January), the appointment of the Earl of Urbina in front of the Committee, the opening of the Park Maria Luisa (April) and the outbreak of the First World War. This year, the Central Government hereby authorizes the City to issue special means, with the logical protests of citizens, in order to meet the expenses of the event and its related works. Allowing the Municipal Corporation have stable income to meet their obligations.
And the eyes of Seville, seen as the modern slaughterhouse was opened (1915), the Plaza de America (1916), the Plaza de Toros Monumental in S. Bernardo (1918), the monument to the Immaculate Conception (1918), Tablada Air Base (1920) and the new Post Office building (1921).
is the first time that Seville catches the attention of the Government, in addition to these openings there is a series of cultural events: VII National Congress of Architecture (1917), centenary of the discovery of the Strait of Magellan (1917), II Congress of History and Geography English-American (1919-1920), the fourth centenary of the arrival Juan Sebastian el Cano (1922) and others.
are also years in which Spain is steeped in political imbalances and social upheaval as the strike of 1914 prelude to a request by the Union of Merchants, the suspension of work in March 1917 and the postponement of the first contest for 1921 to 1923 and later after 1924.
In November 1922, there is appointment as Regional Commissioner of Columbia County in place of Conde de Urbina following the implementation of the dictatorship, ending what he called the organizational stage and beginning the executive aimed at the inauguration in 1927.
But in reality was not yet concrete plans, with adequate budgets and there were difficulties in the project site.
The time understood as a transition period, weighed, on the one hand, in the features of earlier times, yet the event is considered local, and another was transformed slowly becoming independent of the City , being the government that assumed prominence in the management bodies.
is important to note that at this stage every effort Seville concentrates on one goal: to reach the competition to be held as scheduled over many times of not achieving the goals set years ago. However
not worked for the exhibition was the final milestone that launched the city's economy, reserving this end the Barcelona Exhibition. The duration of the contest became the spur of Seville traditional industries, triggered a high demand for labor, resulting in a process of immigration to the city of families who settled in shacks in the suburbs.
Before and in order to get a good start in the topic at hand, it is essential to make it clear that what I discuss in this work is but a synthesis of the literature to date by the great researchers of the Ibero-American Exhibition, limiting myself to collect data from different studies that relate later, and I give a perfectly clear and thorough overview of a relatively recent history of Seville, however during a period of time was not being investigated. Thanks to the work of these, silent and vast research in a multitude of sources consulted have made this great event was the exhibition Ibero-Americana de Sevilla, 1929, until today comes in a clear, and investigated from all possible angles, economic, social, political, journalistic, architectural, etc. and its impact both in the urban fabric and in life in the city.
Therefore, starting from this premise, I set to work forward in order to achieve a more synthesized view as possible, the breadth and depth of study, but no less true, led to a sector, in which I find myself included, eager to know important aspects of the history of Seville, and in particular on the show without adjectives, or abbreviations, as we know Seville the Great Exhibition, in a broad but summarized by the number of publications, articles, conferences, academic studies etc.. so far have seen the light, without having to visit them.
So my work has been a collector of data, arranged chronologically, with special emphasis as a method for making them, in order of preference: facts, figures and trivia, trying to make reading enjoyable and the result is convincing. Targeting a segment of readers not introduced in the academic, but curious about these issues.
I finally point out that if after reading this clumsy, but enthusiastic, work interest is even deeper on the subject, which is essential to take stock of the works listed in the bibliography and are undoubtedly sources you have to drink the future generations who want to know what rigor happened at that stage in the history of the city.
This section attempts to provide an overview of why the statement, background and reasons why the idea caught on and the events that ensued.
As stated by Alberto Villar Movellán "Exhibition at source, as indeed romantic, emerged from the social base; weighed on them many more ideas for ways to implement them. Were true deeds that are done with huge doses of enthusiasm "..." And more than romantic, quixotic in the best sense of the epithet: it was an extraordinary folly to force it meant overriding sanity into the twentieth century. "
The 1929 Expo is an event unique, either because of the circumstances surrounding the incident as avatars of their own event. For this reason it should be two stages. A between 1909 to 1925 and again from that date until completion. While a distinction should be one third the "post-exposure" which is not my intention to try.
The first, covering the period from the origin of it (1909), and their historical antecedents to 1925, the same can be seen the long phase of municipal management, with divided opinions and continuous delays due to the unstable situation both locally, nationally and internationally, as well as lack of liquidity of the various Committees. Is the stage of the English-American in command of the Count of Urbino.
In the second stage changes the name of the event by the Ibero-Americana. It begins with the chair of Columbia County, and in this period, the Central Government takes more strength to address it, and taking permanent decisions: Pitch final negotiations at the diplomatic level as well as an unprecedented building activity. It should be noted for its commitment to the completion of the exposure José Cruz Conde (1926-1930) for his passionate personality and became the machine that would drive the rest.
I used two members of the media, as a tribute to the local press for its decision participation and collaboration in the events, perhaps without the exhibition could have been thwarted.
2.1. A project. FOR SEVILLA AND SPAIN. English-American exhibition in our city.
With this title and full-page cover of "El Correo de Andalucía" of June 26, 1909, begins the long process after two decades, and many efforts, would become the shaping material a desired illusion yearns for Seville as was the Ibero-American EXPOSURE OF SEVILLE 1929.
This headline summed up in few words, uttered by Commander D. LUIS RODRIGUEZ CASE in the halls of the headquarters of the Captaincy General, in connection with the delivery of a sword of honor, paid for by public subscription as a tribute and recognition to the sponsor of the Fiesta "Spain in Sevilla" held April 22 to May 3, 1908. Tribute to this singular character, military and industrial, for your perseverance, imagination and enthusiasm, that despite the coldness with which his words were received by the authorities present, fought with dedication and zeal for "a English-Overseas International Exhibition, Exhibition Spain in Seville International Exposition Hispano-Americana "in principle by setting a date of celebration two years later.
The popular support and the media, especially the press, did not wait, not in vain and as Narciso Ciaurriz this belief began with the celebration of the "Exhibition Sevillanos Products and Agricultural Industries, Wineries and Mining "which remained open from April 27 to June 5, 1905 and considered the most important event of its kind to date and that culminated three years later with the celebration of the aforementioned Fiesta "Spain in Seville" was a resounding success. These two events, together with those concluded by the end of the nineteenth century can be considered as precursors of future Ibero-American Exhibition.
The possibility of holding the Great Exhibition in Seville, was the ideal pretext to raise awareness of a sleepy town on the experiences of their old glory, devoid of all amenities and anchored in the past. Citizens in general and the working forces, businessmen, political parties, gatherings, in particular knew of the benefits that eventually produced such events, especially the spread of new architectural trends, urban developments experienced in the cities, venues and consequently the thrust produced in the industrial development zone and the trade that is growing in the heart of it.
But more specifically, in the case of Seville, and looked forward as its main goal the benefit of the city and even the country through it. With faith blind placed on the display system, created this idea as a panacea for the common good, and final endorsement to enter the twentieth century.
A benefit resulted in an attempt solidarity of all social classes to achieve economic progress and cultural similarity of the golden age of Seville, which will be added later also his vocation Americanism. The consolidation of tourism as a source of income and spur the launch of the city that would last even after the event. The urgent need for urban reform in depth, opening new sources of growth to the city, strangled by stagnation in the past, no public services and lack of solutions improving the deplorable appearance in a short period of time. Also
, and heritage, not least, the attempt to defend "the bad reputation of Seville" in the rest of Spain, akin to eradicate the image topical folklore and the picaresque, washing the local honor criticism widespread on the existence in Seville only "cabarets, taverns and snack bars, hippie flamenco, tangos and old rich, Gypsies and pimps, pestles and thugs" (1).
The foregoing light gave the local press, which always condemned quietism and slow the city's dominant, directing his criticism on improving the same, becoming a spokesperson and pulpit of the different trend, applauding or criticizing those who thought worthy of them, and without any doubt was the local press, which precipitate izo events to achieve goals "urban renewal, tourism development, recovery of the reputation of Sevilla, creating jobs and wealth for the duration of the works and the beginning of a new era of splendor that were expected due to new energy and material possibilities of the Exhibition create "(2)
Since the project was announced the holding of an exhibition on English-Overseas June 25, 1909, was been a series of events filled with disappointment and discouragement to those who had so fervently supported the Show, at the beginning and although the Government provided support when it was learned the Hispanic character American, was withdrawn on the grounds that the company belonged to one year from the Ibero-American Union. This refusal had a great impact in the press, from which accused the government of centrist and there were protests of all kinds. Shortly after a miserable campaign in the Rif and the triggering of events of the "Tragic Week" in Barcelona silenced the exhibition project. At the end of 1909 seemed that nobody could remember the topic, it would seem that the commitments the press and the public and local politicians were of dubious authenticity.
With this suggestive title, Rodriguez case and its companions, self-defined as "Originating Committee, a loose published on 17 February 1910 (El Liberal and El Correo de Andalucía), which made public the waiver of the Ibero-American Union to your project, not to oppose in Bilbao will be an exhibition Anglo-Ibero-Americana. Also gave a thorough account of the abuse suffered the honor and interests of Seville. Again
change events. With the publication of loose above, but more than this point is the presence of new mayor, the liberal Antonio Falcon, who decide to commit to the Exhibition Hall, mobilizing the people in a huge demonstration to Alfonso XIII's visit to city \u200b\u200bon March 14, 1910, after which the Prime Minister José Canalejas a commissioner said "the King of Seville has been done." In fact very often Alfonso XIII visited the city, being fond of her, concerned after the works of the exhibition influencing the decision-making.
had to save Bilbao rivalry with meetings, resulted in the acceptance of transfer Sevilla him until 1914, in order to coincide with the opening of the Short Tablada, Bilbao but did not give anything in return, soon tube after giving up this company for lack of funds. This agreement with the locals, led to an embarrassing tug of war between local politicians
From March 19, 1910 Sevilla had the official permission and the promise of a major state grant. But the problems do not end here the extent of which few would suspect at this time.
From the outset the competition was politicized, rivalries settled with an agreement between the three dominant political parties in appointing members of the Executive Committee. In this regard the criticism in the press were very hard, Vasseur Carrier warned well in "THE LAST" 15 May 1910.
"shall be excluded from the administration how many people bearing a cabinet post in the state or municipality /.../ especially here where politics is usually the sad privilege of being a synonym for cheating and Mangoneo"
And "El Correo de Andalucía" said himself:
"The exhibition comes monopolized by politics and the stamp of despotism "
The lack of liquidity of the Executive Committee was a very serious problem, not adopted the precise solutions, the City also made important economic responsibilities, including a possible deficit, with no way to study the cover the costs, to achieve significant state financial aid would invest in the execution of beautiful and luxurious external extensions. Passed
and the initial difficulties, the exhibition begins to walk, we must take into account the economic possibilities were modest, so it requires a thorough study on the objectives, including the principle of Exposure to town and go together.
2.3 First Steps
With a grant from the Government of 3,000,000 pts., Payable in tenths from 1913, and amounts contributed by the municipality, work began after fixing the location and initial plans, which call for tender Aníbal González won the September 26, 1911. Meanwhile
initiated the first urban developments in the city: The new slaughterhouse, the widening of the Barrio de Santa Cruz, the extension of Jupiter Street, demolition of the pipes of Carmona and the former convent San Pablo, as well as the reform of the Parque de Maria Luisa by JNN Forestier.
With the approval of the Rules of the exhibition on December 30, 1912, concluded that much remained to be done, resulting in the first instance a series of postponements first for 1915 after 1916, due to the slowdown suffered by the works in 1913 and the outbreak of World War 1 in the summer of 1914.
year 1914, we can say that is a year of turning on the exhibition events, it occurs up to Mayor Antonio Falcon (January), the appointment of the Earl of Urbina in front of the Committee, the opening of the Park Maria Luisa (April) and the outbreak of the First World War. This year, the Central Government hereby authorizes the City to issue special means, with the logical protests of citizens, in order to meet the expenses of the event and its related works. Allowing the Municipal Corporation have stable income to meet their obligations.
Convent Demolition of the former convent of San Pablo
With these measures, during the following years passed a number of initiatives, The Plaza of Spain, the marriage of Maria Park Luisa with the Prado de San Sebastian, Aerodrome Tablada military, the use of the Jardines de San Telmo, the Grand Hotel (Alfonso XIII), the alignment of a large number of streets, the Columbus monument, the neighborhood Lion and the incorporation of public lands for the enclosure of the Fair such as urban expansion. And the eyes of Seville, seen as the modern slaughterhouse was opened (1915), the Plaza de America (1916), the Plaza de Toros Monumental in S. Bernardo (1918), the monument to the Immaculate Conception (1918), Tablada Air Base (1920) and the new Post Office building (1921).
is the first time that Seville catches the attention of the Government, in addition to these openings there is a series of cultural events: VII National Congress of Architecture (1917), centenary of the discovery of the Strait of Magellan (1917), II Congress of History and Geography English-American (1919-1920), the fourth centenary of the arrival Juan Sebastian el Cano (1922) and others.
are also years in which Spain is steeped in political imbalances and social upheaval as the strike of 1914 prelude to a request by the Union of Merchants, the suspension of work in March 1917 and the postponement of the first contest for 1921 to 1923 and later after 1924.
In November 1922, there is appointment as Regional Commissioner of Columbia County in place of Conde de Urbina following the implementation of the dictatorship, ending what he called the organizational stage and beginning the executive aimed at the inauguration in 1927.
But in reality was not yet concrete plans, with adequate budgets and there were difficulties in the project site.
The time understood as a transition period, weighed, on the one hand, in the features of earlier times, yet the event is considered local, and another was transformed slowly becoming independent of the City , being the government that assumed prominence in the management bodies.
is important to note that at this stage every effort Seville concentrates on one goal: to reach the competition to be held as scheduled over many times of not achieving the goals set years ago. However
not worked for the exhibition was the final milestone that launched the city's economy, reserving this end the Barcelona Exhibition. The duration of the contest became the spur of Seville traditional industries, triggered a high demand for labor, resulting in a process of immigration to the city of families who settled in shacks in the suburbs.
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