international competition.
Ibero American Exposition of Seville, won the competition to contest the next American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, United States of America, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), Uruguay and Venezuela all with permanent pavilions, except Venezuela, which was the only provisional. Besides El Salvador, Panama, Costa Rica, Bolivia and Ecuador, presented in the American Galleries, currently stores that are in Puerto de la Raza Avd.
Although exhibition samples were varied and not all were at the same level, we consider that the foreign presence in the sample was a resounding success, taking into account the difficult situations of political and economic order that suffered most of the countries related. To display a button and this is what it tells us the Ambassador of Spain in Central America "unfavorable conditions that exist in the Central American republics devastated by earthquakes and devastated by revolution, where everything is done, no money and in most cases, close monitoring of public expenditures by the Americans ... "While it is true that not all states were in this situation, what can be explained by ideological factors, international prestige and commercial expansion, the fact so abundant representation.
The first official invitations will begin their education by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1911 in principle be subject to have more favorable information. Upon World War I, the competition suffered a sudden halt, no more emphasis on relations with America. After the Great War had to start again, with the arrival of the Royal Commissioner Baron, reactivate the work and after coming to power of Primo de Rivera is when you take real impetus for the completion of the Wizard event. Participation is achieved with permanent buildings in the United States, Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Peru. And in 1922, expands the audience to Portugal and Brazil, from Ibero-American to be Hispanic American.
This involvement as significant legacy to the city a series of buildings that represented in their day to the respective countries, and today is part of the urban landscape, most opted for the historicist style Regulation advised. But from the artistic point of view there are three pavilions stand in a special way, Mexico, Argentina and Peru, precisely those furthest from the strict official historicism. Mexico well building up a very peculiar Regionalism taking their sources of Mayan and Toltec culture. All elements Andaluces Argentina, Argentine and Peruvian and fuses with a brilliant ornamentation mixed. Peru is recreated neoperuano style with a mix between English and indigenous.
However, the building away from all these stereotypes is the flag of Chile. A great project that gets to the mountain of concrete over the original building, wanting to represent the nation in its topographical aspects, the Andes and the coast, mountains and sea.
West Indian Republics of Cuba and Santo Domingo are represented by buildings certainly valuable capture than no national style, they do bringing together the best of their countries, the first with the most luxurious of materials to build a pavilion-style colonial and Sto. Sunday playing the Casa del Almirante D. Diego Columbus.
Colombia presenta un vistoso pabellón cargado de simbolismos con elementos decorativos de las culturas prehispánicas. Venezuela debido a la premura de tiempo se conforma con uno provisional construido contra reloj. Uruguay inventa una mezcla de lo español, lo italiano y lo universal.
Los países no hispano Portugal, Brasil y Estados Unidos, diseñan pabellones en el caso de Portugal parte provisional parte estable, inspirado en el barroco portugués, y Brasil inspirado en el barroco colonial de su país, tan modificado hoy día que casi es irreconocible. Estados Unidos construyes tres pabellones uno estable, su consulado hasta hace pocos años, y dos efímeros one of them, the theater Juan de la Cueva de fond memories of childhood.
The following sections develop buildings one by one representative of each country, and describe the buildings, the contents of their samples and architectural aspects.
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